A+E Technology

Acoustic + Electromagnetic reduction

Menzione d'Onore Premio Compasso d'Oro

A+E is a patented technology that makes it possible to combine Snowsound acoustic correction with radio frequency reduction through the coupling of a Snowsound textile and this pure silver metallized technopolymer fabric.

Metallized high-tech polymer fabric with pure silver for radio frequency reduction. Specifically designed to reduce the power of electromagnetic fields. However, it doesn’t completely obstruct signals, allowing the use of smartphones and Wi-Fi networks. This radio frequency reducing fabric can be included inside sofas and other sound absorbing elements, combining sound absorption with reduction of electromagnetic fields. A new patented technology for the wellbeing of people.

A+E Technology reduces up to 99% of the direct electromagnetic wave, provides a reduction that partially protects the body without affecting the operation of the devices like smartphones or tablets.

Snowsound Sofas acoustic upholstery, Snowcustom sound-absorbing panels, and Snowcurtains acoustic drapery and shades. Acoustic comfort and radio frequency reduction in a single solutions.

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